How To Draw Astronaut - Easy Step By Step Drawing Tutorial

Learn how to draw an astronaut with these super easy steps. Great for kids and beginners! You will need a paper or sketchbook and markers. Let's start...

Drawing instructions:
Step 1. Draw a circle as the astronaut head.
Step 2. Draw the upper space suit.
Step 3. Draw the hands.
Step 4. Draw the left side of the lower space suit.
Step 5. Draw the right side of the lower space suit.
Step 6. Draw the feet.
Step 7. Draw the helmet glass.
Step 8. Draw the zipper on the suit. Then draw the back pack. Done! The astronaut drawing is finish.

You may also like this coloring page. It's FREE to download and ready to print from home. Enjoy the coloring activity with kids, friends, loved ones.. or you can also enjoy it by yourself. After finish coloring, it can be hung on the wall or make it as a gift.

Don't forget to show your drawing and your coloring page too... I would love to see them! Join me on Instagram @LetsGoDoodling to learn more about doodling.

You might also like my other doodle drawing tutorials:
How To Draw Space Rocket
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